
Magical Help Desk: Holiday Help Desk

Magical Help Desk: Holiday Help desk

A Seasonal Assignment with three of the Horrors of the Holidays & a very special lesson on fire safety during the festival of lights


Everything you loved about the original now with a seasonal twist…

An Epic adventure like no other...Tech Support.

Magical Help Desk, a zoom 1 to 1 LARP for everyone who had ever had to call customer service. 


Relationship Manager / Carly Dwyer
High Necromancer - Bio Mechanics / Jasmine Kimieye Graham
Chaos Magician - Dev Ops / Mike Schondek


Krampus DBA / Anita Harkness

Gryla’s Restaurant Pop-up POS/Amelia Smith

Bercha Fatal Error Resolution / Elizabeth Loranth

Mitzi Milkmanischewitz Everlasting Eish / Arielle Kaplan

(the call is coming from inside the company)


Naughty/Nice Database issues -  “K” office 

Trouble shoot the Naughty/Nice list with Krampus’s office. You wouldn't want to whip the wrong kids?


restaurant pop up Pos “G” office 

Help a family-run restaurant with their POS. Gryla & her kids use only the finest locally sourced schoolyard to table ingredients.


Forbidden Error 

“B” Office 

Make a Fatal Error this holiday then Berchta ( Perchta) is happy to correct you. If only she can remember if she should be handing out coal or opening your stomach cavity?


Everlasting Eish 

But not all the Holiday traffic will be our seasonal VIPs sometimes other departments need your support too!

If you get a call on the internal emergency line you better brush up on your fire safety! You don't have 8 nights to put this everlasting eish out.